What countries does HADERTHELABEL deliver to?

as of today, HADERTHELABEL ships internationally to over 60 countries.

shipments to some destinations are on hold for the time being by our shipping courier.

Please note that some destinations may close with no prior notice. In such cases, you will be informed immediately.

Do I need to pay custom fees?

Yes, We unfortunately are not responsible for any customs or import duties that may be charged on international orders.

Please verify with your local customs office for more information.

What is the delivery time for my order?

Orders are generally shipped between 2–5 working* business days from the moment the order confirmation e-mail is sent and delivered in 2 to 12 days.

Kindly note that delays may be caused.

I haven't received my order yet what should I do?

We kindly invite you to contact our customer service at info@haderthelabel.com

Why did I get an inaccurate invoice with my package?

We understand that custom fees can be an unexpected expense, which is why we sometimes include a lower and inaccurate invoice with your package to keep these fees as low as possible.

Please note that we cannot cancel custom fees, but we hope this helps alleviate any concerns you may have.